Pi Recipes

We have a number of Raspberry Pi's around our home and family.  The little system has been deployed to simplify techno-life, entertain or integrate household technology.  This collection of RPi Recipes is maintained to help with builds/rebuilds and may range from half-baked concepts to step-by-step procedures, typically for my own pursuit, but possibly of interest to others.  

Pi Recipes

Half Baked (below)


(Works in process, likely VERY unsettled)

Picroft Alternatives  [Workable]

June 2024:  Added RaspOVOS because it is probably the closest to Picroft yet:  Download Image, burn to Micro SD and boot! 

Late Feb/March 2024:  Our good old Picroft voice assistant finally stopped working due to the demise of Mycroft servers.  Furthermore, Mycroft forums seem to have moved over here -> community.openconversational.ai It is all still a tad confusing but there is a comparison of ongoing Mycroft spinoff's here -> neon.ai/ComparingNeon-OVos-Mycroft 

Here are a couple of quick recipes for Picroft alternatives with Mycroft underpinnings.  Be a little careful, both of these seem to be works-in-process ... Some things work sometimes, reboot and retry before giving up.  Check Matrix for chatter!

IF and when installer finishes successfully, OVOS' virtual environment can be accessed via: 
source .venvs/ovos/bin/activate

PicoPi:  Reviving a dead PicoBrewC  [Seems to Work!]

Collection of links and a quick-start guide for bringing a dead PicoBrew (Kurig-like Beer brewing machine!) back to life after the company tanked in 2020.   Working on my buddy's Pico Model C.  VERY interesting gizmo.   Links/notes to self below, may be useful to others.

Contraption Overview

PicoC seemed much simpler than diagram in the blogpost ... our network setup looks like this:

+-----------------+            +-------------+                 !  Home Devices

! PicoC Brewer    ! <- wifi -> ! RaspberryPi !                 !  - Desktop
! IP= ! "PICOBREW" ! <Hostname>  ! <---- wifi ---->!  - Laptop
+ (Hardcoded IP)  !            !  (or IP)    !  (home network) !  - IPad
+-----------------+            +-------------+                 !  ... etc

In a nutshell:  The Raspberry Pi sits between home network and the PicobrewC device, providing access/brewer control via a web browser.  

Setup Step-by-Step

(breadcrumbs in case I need to start over): 

// The RPi reboot may take some time, I left the monitor connected to watch the action //

Random Notes/Tour 



ProbePi  [Aborted]

October 2023:  Quick(?) look at Threat Hunting ... stumbled upon this https://github.com/jeffvader84/piHunter *AND* had a RPi4 & 64gSD on the workbench

September 2023 - I DID manage to get greenbone/openvas running but NOT on a Raspberry PI.   Ended up using Parrot OS on a little faster x86 machine. 
Notes in Tech Tinkering area. 


August 2023 - slight change of direction? ... now looking at Threat Hunting.  Lots to learn, compare/contrast with IDS, Vulnerability Scanning, et al.

... Stumbled upon PIhunter @ https://github.com/jeffvader84/piHunter.  Will see if I have a rpi/buster kicking around.  

Sing-a-long with https://github.com/jeffvader84/piHunter/blob/main/README.md


Haven't played with OpenVAS for a very long time, and never on an RPI.  Interested to see how its evolved and how all these IoT 'Things' do on vulnerability scans  ...

*** June 2023 - initial playtime

MeePi  [Progress!]

Initial play with private AI gizmos ... Actually some progress here, but research/breadcrumbs moved for now ...

January 2024 - This one got out of hand ... waaaay too much fumbling and experimenting - created a separate project site to organize.   Here are a few links for now.  

NetAidPi+Internet-Pi ServerPi [Done]

This one looks like a keeper! ...  cleaned upped  the recipe and and posted on  ServerPi page.   It is now basically a local utility server with a nice face (UI) .... I think there will be a number of handy Self-Hosted apps to come.

MonitorPi or ContainmentPi [Done, Good One!]

This one is turned into SentinelPi - original notes/fumbling/flailing moved over there

SmartiePi - First Computer for 4-6 Year Old [Done]

Jan 2023:  FINALLY Back at it!  Ran GCompris on stock RPIOS for the heck of it and it ran MUCH better than on DietPi ... not sure why, but it's running great on an RPI3 and looks like it will live in harmony with CutiePi world if need be .. .

Final notes/recipe @  SmartiePi - First Computer for 4-6 Year Old

Feb 2022:  Moved to this site.  Cut/Paste from 'Classic' Google site page @ http://ventures.tpedersen.net/errata/raspberrypi/smartiepi ... did not paste in very well!  

WiFi Bootstrapping :   Comitup+Dietpi [Works!],  Comitup+Q4OS [TBD]

I often make Pi's for others - pre-configuring them for WiFi in someone else's home is a pain in the drain!

Gave Comitup a quick once over - there was a downloadable image @  https://davesteele.github.io/comitup/.    It looks to be JUST what I need AND it WORKS!

Posted experiences with the downloadable image (RaspOS that boots up with Comitup) in Raspberry Pi OS Alternatives.  

I am currently exploring installing/incorporating  Comitup packages into my projects as opposed to starting with the image because I use a variety of OS underpinnings - Q4OS, DietPi, Manjaro ...  it (comitup-1.15-1) seems to be in latest RaspOS which should allow me to apt-get install on everything except Manjaro.  I don't see it in Manjaro or Arch AUR

FlypaperPi (Honeypot) [Interesting]

Playing w/ OpenCanary Honeypot ... this is a mess/work-in-process

Sing-a-long w/ https://github.com/thinkst/opencanary#readme but ....
.... watching this one as I do:  https://simpaul.com/opencanary-on-a-pi-quick-setup/

Step by step (notes to self)

RPIOS - lite is fine, usual setup:  update/upgrade, rpi-config: pw, hn, local/kb, yada/yada

Switch to Ubuntu 20.04 LTS 32-Bit for 3 reasons - NOPE!  That came out badly

From guide ....

pip3 install --upgrade setuptools
git clone https://github.com/thinkst/opencanary
cd opencanary
sudo apt-get install libffi-dev # Paul may have missed this one, fatal err missing
sudo python3 setup.py install

UserWarning: You do not have a working installation of the service_identity module: 'No module named 'service_identity''. 
Please install it from <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/service_identity> and make sure all of its dependencies

are satisfied.  Without the service_identity module, Twisted can perform only rudimentary TLS client hostname verifica

tion.  Many valid certificate/hostname mappings may be rejected.

I'm a good guesser ... closed my eyes and fixed this via ...
pip3 install service_identity

Description=OpenCanary honeypot







ExecStart=/home/pi/opencanary/bin/opencanaryd --dev



enough for now ...


Leftovers to deal with
pip install scapy pcapy # optional

Install fail that forced me to install libffl h

Whoops!  that failed
No package 'libffi' found
c/_cffi_backend.c:15:10: fatal error: ffi.h: No such file or directory
15 | #include <ffi.h>
    |          ^~~~~~~

Samba install output (in case I need it)

Setting up samba (2:4.13.13+dfsg-1~deb11u3) ...

Adding group `sambashare' (GID 125) ...


Samba is not being run as an AD Domain Controller: Masking samba-ad-dc.service

Please ignore the following error about deb-systemd-helper not finding those services.

(samba-ad-dc.service masked)

Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/nmbd.service → /lib/systemd/system/nmbd.service.

Failed to preset unit: Unit file /etc/systemd/system/samba-ad-dc.service is masked.

/usr/bin/deb-systemd-helper: error: systemctl preset failed on samba-ad-dc.service: No such file or directory

Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/smbd.service → /lib/systemd/system/smbd.service.

samba-ad-dc.service is a disabled or a static unit, not starting it.

Processing triggers for man-db (2.9.4-2) ...

Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.31-13+rpt2+rpi1+deb11u2) ...

CutiePi V4 Collection [Kinda Stalled]

A few links at this point ... my bookmarks are a mess



Related:  Murmer Server for Push4Papa testing

Also:  Dietpi possibilities for V4

TightVNC Server [Looks OK]

Bottomline:  This MAY work if I need it ... more putzing to do to get it installed and not as full featured as rpi default vnc server (realvnc).

- XP lookswitcher (XPQ4 Desktop) does not show in remote session (I'm probably NOT in the session I'd like to be)
- Below includes definitions for systemd service but I think I'd just fire this up via CLI on an as needed basis
- I still need to double check that it works via remote.it (remote control gizmo I use)


Motivation:  Struggling with stock (RealVNC) vncserver on latest GramPi rebuid ... thought I'd try TightVNC for the heck of it

Rough notes as I go ... Working with Q4OS, but I'd guess this will work on RaspiOS too

TightVNC looks to be GPL, actively maintained and has been around for a long time (> 10 years).  

Most doc seems to be focused on windoze, but this guy posted a RPi step-by-step 

Notes as I go in case I need to retrace my steps

Description=TightVNC Server

ExecStart=/usr/bin/vncserver :1
ExecStop=/usr/bin/vncserver -kill :1


sudo systemctl enable vncserver

systemctl status vncserver

● vncserver.service - TightVNC Server

  Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/vncserver.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)

  Active: inactive (dead)

pi@GramPiV2:~ $ systemctl enable vncserver        

==== AUTHENTICATING FOR org.freedesktop.systemd1.manage-unit-files ===

Authentication is required to manage system service or unit files.                                 

Multiple identities can be used for authentication:

1.  pi

2.  root

Choose identity to authenticate as (1-2): 1



Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/vncserver.service → /etc/systemd/syste


==== AUTHENTICATING FOR org.freedesktop.systemd1.reload-daemon ===

Authentication is required to reload the systemd state.                                            

Multiple identities can be used for authentication:

1.  pi

2.  root

Choose identity to authenticate as (1-2): 1



OccuPi - Remote Controlled Full Screen Kiosk-Like thingy [Stalled]

Moved to tech.tpedersen.net Feb 2022.  Cut'n Paste from 'Classic' Google site page @ http://ventures.tpedersen.net/errata/raspberrypi/occupi ... VERY STRANGE, this page pasted into new sites quite well, PanelPi was a total mess!

OccuPi - Remote Controlled Full Screen Kiosk-Like thingy

Last update:  09 October 2020

Original 15 September 2020

VERY EARLY Stages, this page will be a mess as I stumble thru this ...

The Goal is to build a little Pi that will connect to my parents TV to allow me to share (project) videos, web pages and such.  Will be used during COVID-19 to keep them occupied over the winter months.  More to come as this idea develops.


09 Oct:  Struggling to find OS fast enough to use Google Streetview in Full Screen or Kiosk mode on a Raspberry Pi 3.  It appears that I MUST run Chromium browser to pull this off.  Have tried Arch, Dietpi and Raspbian lite.  On to Chromium OS.  Also created subordinate startpage to simplify testing ... we may end up with a simple webpage providing links to all activities,  

25 Sept:  General concept works very well, even had an old gyration remote control working with it.  RaspOS was painfully slow on the RPi3.  Switching to LXDE desktop from Dietpi to see how that runs.  Dietpi has been my goto for servers, really haven't played with desktop. 

Dietpi/Chromium kiosk is pretty slow.  Friggin streetview map is upside down too!  Added a startpage to facilitate adding activities/features without connecting to or messing with OccuPi system


- https://blog.gordonturner.com/2020/06/30/raspberry-pi-full-screen-browser-2020-05-27-raspios-buster/

- https://www.instantstreetview.com/

- https://peter.sh/experiments/chromium-command-line-switches/

- Upside down google maps - https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=91&t=274315

- Bigscreen Project - https://plasma-bigscreen.org/

- Chromium OS - Image to try quickly here - https://github.com/FydeOS/chromium_os-raspberry_pi/releases

- Chromium remote desktop - https://remotedesktop.google.com/?pli=1

- Puffins OS - https://www.puffin.com/raspberry-pi/ - Install


- Stock RaspOS - Raspberry Pi OS (32-bit) with desktop to start

- Switching to Rspbian via Dietpi


- RPi 3 

- 16g 

- Old Gyration MCE Remote!

Dietpi Setup Notes

----------- RaspOS aborted for now - Save in case I fallback -----------

Steps (raspos)

PanelPi -  Integrate hardwired home security sensors into smart home [In Process]

2023 Back to it!

Last Update - 21 July 2020

Here wee go again!  PanelPi - A little Pi help to integrate old wired alarm system

*** VERY early in the project, this page is expected to be a mess for quite a while (as usual) ***


PanelPi was initially cobbled together to explore sprucing up our wired home security system.  Current plan is to integrate a number of hardwired sensors into our 'Smart' home.  We'll see!



Current Config

Stuff to Explore

Step by Step (rough notes to self, I'll cleanup later)

Phase I - Pi in Panel. 

Get Panel online - currently in Wifi deadspot.  Use Webiopi to see what is going on with existing sensors.   


- PanelPi will have to Wifi to SuitiePi - forgot to run Ethernet to panel area when I had wall out!!! Argh!

    - remember to static route and reserve dhcp so I can find/access PanelPi on that subnet

- WebIOPI did not install via Dietpi ... attempting by hand

    - RPi 1 Model B -> Install instructions @ http://webiopi.trouch.com/INSTALL.html

    - RPi 2 and beyond (40pin GPIO) @ https://thepiguy.altervista.org/webiopi-rp3/

Log, Odd and Ends and fond memories

July 2020 - rebuild

June 2020 - Back at it

downloaded attached a GPIO pinout leaf - We'll see if it helps, pretty small print for old eyes!


- Ghazooks!  To keep all this stuff going on our network remember the following.